Thursday, March 8, 2012

I don't know what spiritual means

Dear B-Sage
It occurred to me... I don't know what spiritual means... a longing for something more than material?

Dear friend-
Here's a clue I found tonight:

That Lamp That Needs No Oil

I have made the journey into Nothing.
I have lit that lamp that
Needs no oil.

I have cried great streams
Of emerald crystals
On my scarred knees, begging love

To never again let me hear from
Any world

The sound of my own name,
Even from the voice of divine thought

Or see that pen you gave me, God,
In the sun's or sky's skillful hand
Anything other than the word --

I have made the journey into Nothing.
I have become that flame that needs
No fuel.

Now what need is there to ever
Call for Hafiz?

For if you did,
I would just step out
of You.

Hafiz, from The Gift. translated Daniel Ladinsky